SEMAN AIR CONDITIONING, SL, ace entity comercializadora of air conditioning teams, it is conscious of the importance in the satisfaction of the clients and of the respect to the environment, for it our philosophy comes given through the security, trust and quality in our services.
Por this reason, SEMAN AIR CONDITIONING, SL, he/she thinks about as strategic objective to achieve the following fines:
- To get satisfaction of the client, providing quality in our products.
- To complete with the legal requirements applicable, as well as any other requirement that the organization subscribes related with its environmental aspects.
- To prevent the environmental contamination with the activity developed by the company.
- To improve continually the effectiveness of our system of quality and environment.
- Potenciar the respect to the environment, with the decrease of emissions in our activities.
- To maintain a it improves continued in all our projects.
- To get motivation and consequently collaboration in quality and environment to all the members of the company.
Por it, to be able to replace these objectives, SEMAN AIR CONDITIONING, SL, it impels the execution of a system of quality and effective and effective environmental administration based on the UNE ISO 9001:2008 and the UNE ISO 14001:2004.
SEMAN AIR CONDITIONING, SL, it adopts their performance principles that contribute to our politics of quality and environment and therefore he/she settles down and it revises their objectives and environmental goals.